After posting this blog in September 2017 explaining my situation and why it was so important to me to raise funds for Myasthenia Gravis research I received one of the largest outpourings of support to date: from you.
I have been so happy, humbled, and simply floored by what you have helped us to accomplish. We raised so much money that beadshop's name has twice been called out during the annual awards ceremony at the National MGFA Conferences. Due in large part to the fundraising from our Bead Fam the MG Walk asked me to be their "Walk Hero" last year, and now I am honored to be a part of the National MG Walk Committee.And so the time has come once again, ladies and gents! It's time for MG Walk 2019!!
This year, my team Kiss Myas(thenia Gravis) and I hope to raise major moolah! We've set our goals even higher than last year and I can't wait to blow them out of the water. Janice and I, along with my friends and family, will be walking on Saturday, October 12th, at the MG Walk of Virginia in Springfield. This is not only an opportunity to raise funds, but one to spread awareness of MG and be a part of a community I didn't even know existed until just 2 years ago. Janice and I want to invite any locals to join us! Last year I was so happy to see Aileen R. come and support us in person, and I would also love to see YOU there.
Once again, we have a raffle to help raise those much-needed funds:
Janice has donated a $50 beadshop.com gift card
that we are "raffling" off to YOU.
To win, you donate.
For every $10 donated you will receive one chance at winning the gift card. So if you donate $10, your name goes in once. If you donate $20, your name goes in twice, and so on. I will keep track of the donations and tally up the names and numbers, and on Saturday from the MG Walk, Janice and I will broadcast LIVE on our Facebook Page and select a winner. I have also done a little shopping, myself...and you may find that a few other names will be pulled from our hat to win surprises from our Society6 shop!
Donations must be in by Midnight PST on Friday, October 11, 2018 to be eligible to win. Donations must be made to the "Beadshop Dotcom" team member in order to qualify.

Questions? I'm happy to answer and happy to help.Just email me at Drea.beadshop@gmail.com
Many thanks and, as always,Happy Beading!Drea
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